420 Dispensary Deals & Discounts

Dive into the harvest season with us as we celebrate 420 — a day to embrace the joy, culture, and holistic benefits of cannabis. Autumn Brands, flourishing along the sunny coast of Santa Barbara, brings you the finest, sustainably grown, pesticide-free cannabis. Join us in our vision for a healthier, happier world powered by the natural magic of cannabis. 🌿✨

Shop 420 Weed Deals & Discounts

We’re rolling up some unbeatable deals and discounts for this 420. Whether you’re a fan of our top-quality greenhouse-grown flower, pre-rolls, or wellness products, we’ve got something special for everyone.


What is 4/20?  

4/20 is an international day of celebration for the cannabis community, marked by gatherings, events, and, of course, partaking in cannabis.

How did 4/20 start?  

The term “420” originated from a group of high school students in the 1970s as a code for their cannabis-related activities, eventually evolving into the global phenomenon it is today.

Who invented 4/20?  

While no single person is credited with inventing 4/20, it was popularized by the “Waldos,” a group of students from San Rafael, California.

Where can I get 4/20 dispensary deals and discounts?  

Right here at Autumn Brands! We’re gearing up to offer you some of the best deals and discounts to celebrate 420. Stay tuned!

When is 4/20?  

April 20th (4/20) is the day we come together to celebrate cannabis culture and community.

Thank you for choosing Autumn Brands for your 420 celebration. Remember, we’re here not just for the high but for the health and happiness of our community and planet.

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Warrior Elixir

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