Moving quickly in the early stages of the coronavirus crisis, Carpinteria community leaders banded together to create the 93013 Fund. Spearheaded by Father and Daughter duo, Hans and Hanna Brand, both long time members of the Rotary Club of Carpinteria Sunset and now...
Chef Joe Sasto recently visited Autumn Brands farm and is talking to us about “farm-to-table”…literally. Sasto uses clean, zero pesticide marijuana from sustainable farms like Autumn Brands to whip up delectable “cannabis pairing” dinners. Feast on Sasto’s...
We love that our products make fire gifts year round. Get some inspo for this coming Valentines’ day on SB Independents Cannabis Corner! “We’re well into the age of legal cannabis, which means it’s just as legit to gift weed as it is wine. Just make sure your...
The Scoop on Hanna’s journey with Autumn Brands and her unexpected entry into the cannabis industry. Check out her answers in Cannabis Magazine, and get inspired! “We all know that the number of female entrepreneurs entering the cannabis industry pales in...