
Jun 3, 2020 | Autumn Brands News

Adding Cutting-Edge Air Purification Technology into Production Process

We’re always in constant pursuit of the purest Cannabis and stewardship to our community, so last week we integrated a cutting-edge air purification technology from Molekule into our pesticide-free production process. 

The Molekule Air Pro RX uses PECO air purification technology that is proven to destroy viruses, bacteria, and mold. In addition to providing added protection for our workers, Molekule’s PECO technology also captures and destroys terpenes in the air that can cause the characteristic smell of cannabis.

We’ve been testing Molekule’s PECO technology for the last three months with the priority of reducing terpenes and protecting against airborne mold in the warehouse. We were so impressed with the results of the study and decided to implement Molekule’s PECO technology throughout our facility. With the additional concerns over COVID-19, Molekule’s PECO technology provides another valuable benefit to Autumn Brands: the potential to reduce exposure to viruses in the air.

“Our passion is providing customers the finest quality, clean-grow product for a safe, smooth Cannabis experience they can trust,” explains company Co-Founder Hans Brand. “We do this through persistent innovation, exploring tools, methods, and technologies that can help us reach our goal without sacrificing purity. We also deeply value the community we live in and our employees, and we do the utmost to provide a safe and pleasant workplace and neighborhood ”

More than two decades of research went into the development of PECO technology, the revolutionary air purification technology inside the Molekule Air Pro RX units, and the underlying
technology in all of Molekule’s air purification products. Validated through rigorous testing by third-party laboratories, each unit destroys a broad spectrum of pollutants, including VOCs,
mold, bacteria, viruses, and other allergens in the air.

We have utilized five Molekule Air Pro RX units throughout our facility, including in the drying, trimming, and packaging rooms, and other high traffic areas. As well as two Molekule Air units in the office area.