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The Top Three Cannabis Dispensaries in Los Angeles

The Top Three Cannabis Dispensaries in Los Angeles

The Top Three Cannabis Dispensaries in Los Angeles You probably don’t need us to tell you, but the cannabis industry is growing big time. As legalization continues across the country, more and more people are getting on board. And why not? Whether you are into...
Our Farm Was Featured on Univision

Our Farm Was Featured on Univision

Legal and Illicit Businesses: The Two Sides of the California Marijuana Industry Coin The cannabis industry in California is regulated and policed ​​by multiple agencies. Under Proposition 64 in November 2016, the state legalized its cultivation, sale and recreational...
Announcing The Inhale.Exhale. Elevate Podcast

Announcing The Inhale.Exhale. Elevate Podcast

Announcing The Inhale.Exhale. Elevate Podcast A podcast hosted from our Santa Barbara Coast family cannabis farm to help keep your feet on the ground and your head in the sky. Autumn Brands and our female founders have a message that goes beyond just flowers. Learn...